Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I am extremely upset by the latest Bundle.com “unbiased poll” claiming Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota as two of the ten LEAST fashion forward cities in the US. They took this poll by taking the fifty largest cities by population and creating a “fashion-index” with 1.0 being average. They then based their index on “fashion-aware” households by counting households that made at least four purchases in top-end merchandisers in the last 30 months. They even dared put the comment “Warmth before fashion” next to our name (you CAN be good-looking and warm?!). I am completely offended. I mean, yes, I cannot control what the entire city/state wears, there are just NOT enough hours in the day for that. But come on. With only 5 cities below us on this scale, I am pretty upset. Why is it that we can be considered that fashion behind? We have the BIGGEST mall in the United States... along with dozens of other shopping venues. The Galleria in Edina is a top-end merchandiser's heaven. 

Listen here Minnesota, step it up. 

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